Queensland Academy of Sport
Our goal is to give all young Queenslanders the opportunity to apply for YouFor2032, regardless of their location or previous sporting experience. In 2024, we will be hosting a range of talent search initiatives, targeting different demographics of future athletes. If you’re an aspiring Olympic athlete aged between 8 and 25, or an aspiring Paralympic athlete aged between 13 and 30, we have a program for you in 2024.
Olympic Talent Search events (including Daredevil (ages 8-13) and Thematic (ages 17-25) testing days and clinics) will occur across Queensland, starting in South-East Queensland and Wide-Bay between March and June 2024. Broad-scale Olympic sport talent identification testing sessions for athletes aged 13-23 will begin in the second half of 2024, and will cover all areas of Queensland.
Paralympic Talent Search events will be held throughout 2024.